Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Saturday, May 30, 2020


The advantages of travelling

Travelling may be an amazing and a life-changing experience. No matter where you go, travelling can help you disconnect from your own problems and your own boring routine; these are some of the benefits you can get travelling, other benefits are...

Be relaxed.

When you travel you connect with the outside world, doing this you move away from the negative feelings that you face daily.
Nature, meditation and the journey itself are reasons to think about yourself. This will help you to relax, not to be stressed and help you not to overthink.

Know yourself better
Traveling is a therapy for your soul.  And when you travel you understand a lot about yourself. Often the reasons for a departure arise internally, not externally.  For example, there are those who leave to escape from an unhappy life,some of them feel overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities and some others find answers to questions that started inside their mind.
Sometimes the destination is not even important: the only thing that matters is traveling and restarting certain soul mechanisms that have stopped working in everyday life.

Customs and habits
Another benefit about travel is getting to know new customs and habits. Traveling also means identifying with the culture of the inhabitants of other countries. When you travel you can learn new languages, new traditions, new people, new recipes, change your way of seeing life, you can grow inwardly and have new experiences that enrich your cultural background. When you return from a trip you feel more responsible, freer and more serene and also more peaceful because the trip is therapeutic and allows you to clear your mind.

Write about your favourite movie

Putting together your answers write down a text. At the end you can add something else if you want or an image of the movie
1. What type of film is it? (a cartoon, a rom com, a horror film, a thriller, an action movie, a fantasy movie, a science fiction movie)
2. When did you see it?
3. Were you alone or with your friends?
4. Who was the director?
5. Who are the actors in that movie?
6. What are the names of the main characters?
7.What about the acting?( great, excellent, terrible, awful, unexpected, predictable, enjoyable, unusual)
8. What is it about?
9. Did you like the soundtrack?
10. Did you have fun?
11. Were you scared?
12. Which part of the movie did you like most?
This is an example, a text written by one of the students in the second class. 

My favourite movie

My favourite movie is a cartoon and its name is “Space Jam”.                        
If I remember well, I was 5 when I saw it for the first time and I wasn’t alone:
my parents were with me because we were having dinner. I was so happy
that my parents understood it was the time to relax.
Obviously, every favourite movie has something people like. So, there are
three things I like about “Space Jam”:
1. The excellent acting;
2. The soundtrack;
3. A part of the movie in which the lost basketball skills come back to
the owners (some NBA players) by touching a basketball.
In my opinion,  the movie tells an usual story because Michael Jordan
meets Bugs Bunny and his friends; but it’s unique too because it doesn’t
happen to find a film like this every day. Moreover, it’s nice to see a very
important basketball player as an actor that shows himself: at the
beginning, he decides to withdraw basketball and start playing as a baseball
player; Then, when he understands the situation of Bugs and his friends
(they had to clash with an enemy team to save their world), he decides to
help them; at the end, he decides to play the last basketball match of his
To conclude, the main characters are Michael Jordan and those ones of
Looney Tones; the actors and the actresses seem  to be themselves in
the acting; and the director is Joe Pytka.

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Perfect English

(unstressed in English); "schwa"

Say these words out loud (the Schwa sound is bold):

1) a

2) the

3) about

4) around

5) present

6) father

7) banana

8) carrot

9) atlas

10) illness

11) offend

12) answer

13) letter

14) alone

15) sofa

16) system

17) supply

18) circus

A about, sofa, banan
E travel, item, the, enemy  
I animal, family 
O above, dinosaur, another, freedom, 
U particular, support, albu


Things I miss now I'm grown up

Things I miss now I'm grown up

Watch the video and answer the questions
  1. What does the word slash mean? Give the meaning in Italian and a synonym in English.
  2. What do your parents do for you when you’re a child?
  3. If you don’t restock your fridge what happens to you?
  4. What does she most miss about being a child?
  5. What else does she miss so much?
  6. What’s a countdown? Try to explain in English? Have you recently  done any countdown?
  7. What about tickets? Are there any advantages in being a child?
  8. What are the things you miss about childhood now you’re grown up?
  9. What do you love about being a teenager?

How to Order Food at a Restaurant in English

Answer the questions

  1. How do you say Io porto a casa?
  2. How do you say Vorrei ordinare?
  3. What does the word pepperoni mean?
  4. What's the synonym used here for takaway?
  5. How do you say in contanti?
  6. What's the synonym for yep?
  7. How do you translate into Italian the sentence It will take about 15-20 minutes?
  8. What's the other word used here for chips?
  9. How do you say Io prendo?
  10. What's a combo?
  11. How do you say Potrei avere?
  12. What are chocolate chip cookies?
  13. What's the other way to say Could I have?
  14. What's root beer?
  15. How do you say la pizza è pronta?
  16. How do you say qualcos'altro?
  17. What's a rewards card ?
  18. How do you say scontrino?

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Interview one of your classmates

1.     What is your favourite dish? When do you eat it?
2.     What food do you hate? Do you ever eat it?
3.     What is your favourite cuisine?
4.     Do you have a 'sweet tooth'?
           5.     Can you cook?
           6.     Do you eat healthily?
          7.     What do you like to snack on?
         8.     How often do you eat out?
         9.     Where do you usually go when you eat out?
        10.   Who do you usually go with when you eat out?

11.  Do you ever eat at McDonalds?
12.  Do you ever skip breakfast?
13.  What do you have during your           school break?

Thursday, May 7, 2020


SLIDES Dracula

How did Dracula become the world's most famous vampire? - Stanley Stepanic

RAIPLAY LA Struttura del Romanzo

QUESTIONS about the video produced by RAIPLAY

  1. What were the other epistolary novels he took inspiration from?
  2. Who are the 4 narrators?
  3. Do we have a personal view about facts?
  4. What kind of contrast(opposition) can we find in the book?
  5. Are there any differences between Lucy and Mina? What kind of girls are they?
  6. Who’s Van Helsing?
  7. What is he greatly interested in?
  8. Why can’t  the humans be easily good?
  9. What’s the important role that Mina has inside the story?
  10. Can science defeat evil?
  11. What’s used to defeat the vampire?