Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Monday, April 15, 2024

GAME SECOND CONDITIONAL(Complete the sentence!)

 Game Second Conditional

This morning my students played a game so as to better understand the use of second conditional.

18 students were divided into two teams- Team A and Team B

In pairs they were asked to create the secondary clause of a second conditional sentence

Ex If everyone could fly.......

     If all animals could talk...................

     If all people had superpowers..........

The opposing team had to complete the sentence as soon as possible.

One point was given to the team that could complete the sentence in less than 50 seconds.

Of course each conditional sentence had to make sense!!!!

Finally, one of the teams won the game.....

Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Tigre! Tigre! che ardi luminosa
Nelle foreste della notte,
Quale occhio o mano immortale
poté dar forma alla tua terribile simmetria?
In quali distanti profondità o cieli
Bruciò il fuoco dei tuoi occhi?
Su quali ali egli osa elevarsi?
Quale mano osa conquistare il fuoco?
E quale spalla, e quale abilità,
Fu in grado di intrecciare le fibre del tuo cuore?
E quando il tuo cuore iniziò a battere,
Quale terribile mano? E quale terribile piede?
Quale martello? Quale catena?In quale fornace fu il tuo cervello?
Quale incudine? Quale terribile morsa
Osa serrare i suoi terrori mortali?
Quando le stelle lanciarono giù le loro lance
E annaffiarono il cielo con le loro lacrime,
Egli sorrise vedendo il suo lavoro?
Colui che fece l’agnello fece te?
Tigre! Tigre! che ardi luminosa
Nelle foreste della notte,
Quale occhio o mano immortale
poté dar forma alla tua terribile simmetria?


Friday, April 5, 2024

MY DREAM JOB-Write down your text following the questions

 Brainstorm Your Future Career

Don't need to be absolutely certain about your career choice. 
Follow the QUESTIONS:
1.What is your dream job?
2.What attracts you to this job? 
3.How did you first get interested in this type of work ?
4. Did someone in this career inspire you?
5.What do you hope to accomplish in this career?
6.-.Are you preparing yourself for this career in any way?  
7.What will you do at university  to help prepare you for this career?
8.Have you had any experiences that have helped you learn about this career?