Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Monday, October 14, 2024

jane eyre plot

 Who’s Mrs Reed?

How does Mrs Reed treat Jane?

What is the red-room?

What kind of personality does Jane as a child have?

Where does Jane go  after leaving Gateshead hall?

What about the living conditions there?

What tragic event happens in that place, which upsets Jane?

What about the rules?

What’s Jane job when she leaves that place at the age of 18?


my daily routine




Oh, __ eyes, __ eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining




Her ___, her _____, falls perfectly without her trying




___ so beautiful, and I tell ___ every day

She ; she

She's ; her

Her ; her

Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her ___ won't believe __

her; mee

she ; me

she's ; her

And it's so, it's so, sad to think that she don't see what ____ see




But every time she asks me do ____ look ok, I say




When I see ____ face, there's not a thing that I would change




Cause you're amazing, just ____ you are

a way

the way

on the way

And when ___ smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while




Her ___, her ___,




I could kiss ___ all day if ___ let me

them ; her

they ; she

them ; she

___ laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think ___ so sexy.

Her ; they're

Her ; its

Her ; it's

She's so beautiful, and I tell ___ every day







Thursday, October 10, 2024

Queen Victoria




1. How old was Queen Victoria when she came to the throne?

2. Who did she marry?

3. How many children did the couple have?

4. What were the most relevant events happening during her reign?

5. Was she into social and political issues?

6. What was the Great Exhibition which was held in 1851? What was its immediate result?

7. What happened after her husband’s death?

8. Was Queen Victoria a symbol of……………………………………………..?

9. Did she follow a strict code of values?

10. What was she concerned about especially in the late years of her life?

11.What does “image management” mean?

12. What does “formal attire” mean?

13. How long did her reign last?

14. What were the most significant social changes during her age?


Thursday, October 3, 2024


 William Wordsworth’s poem “My Heart Leaps Up” (also known as "The Rainbow") is a brief but profound reflection on the poet’s relationship with nature, especially the sense of joy and wonder he feels when he sees a rainbow. The poem reads:

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

Key Themes and Ideas:

  1. Joy in Nature: The poem begins with an expression of spontaneous joy as Wordsworth encounters a rainbow. This symbolizes the deep connection he has with the natural world. The simple, immediate reaction ("My heart leaps up") suggests that his relationship with nature is innate and emotional, not intellectual.

  2. Continuity of Experience:
    Wordsworth emphasizes that this feeling of wonder and awe has been present throughout his life. He asserts that the joy he felt as a child when seeing a rainbow continues into adulthood, and he hopes it will endure into old age. If this sense of wonder fades, he suggests that life would not be worth living ("Or let me die!"). This reflects his belief that the capacity for wonder should be preserved throughout life.

  3. The Child is Father of the Man:
    This famous line is central to the poem’s meaning. Wordsworth is expressing the idea that our early experiences, particularly the emotional and spiritual connections we form as children, shape who we become as adults. The child’s innocence and sensitivity to nature are foundational, and these qualities should guide the adult’s life. The adult self emerges from the child but remains dependent on the child’s ability to see and feel deeply.

  4. Natural Piety:
    In the closing lines, Wordsworth refers to "natural piety," which is a kind of reverence or devotion to nature. He wishes for his life to be "bound each to each" by this natural piety, meaning that his life’s stages—childhood, adulthood, and old age—will remain connected by a continuous love and respect for the natural world. This echoes his belief in the spiritual and moral value of nature.


Wordsworth’s "My Heart Leaps Up" is a powerful celebration of the enduring emotional connection to nature, suggesting that the sense of wonder we experience as children should persist throughout our lives. The poem reflects his broader Romantic ideals, particularly his reverence for nature and the importance of maintaining a childlike sensitivity to the world. The poem’s brevity enhances its impact, distilling profound ideas into just a few lines

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

the globe theatre




The Theory of Shakespeare's Italian origins

 The theory of Shakespeare's Italian origins is a fascinating and unconventional hypothesis that suggests William Shakespeare may not have been an Englishman but of Italian descent or even an Italian himself. This theory challenges the traditional narrative surrounding the identity of the playwright and aims to explain certain elements of Shakespeare's work and life that some scholars find puzzling. Here are the key points of this theory:

1. Shakespeare's Knowledge of Italy

Proponents of this theory argue that Shakespeare's plays, particularly those set in Italy, show an unusually detailed knowledge of Italian culture, geography, and customs. Plays like Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, and The Two Gentlemen of Verona feature settings in Italy, and the playwright demonstrates an understanding of specific locations, including small details about Italian cities that are hard to attribute to someone who had never visited the country.

For example:

  • In The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shakespeare mentions the “Padua way,” referring to a specific road to Milan.
  • The Merchant of Venice contains precise references to Venetian legal practices.
  • Romeo and Juliet includes specific references to Verona's layout and customs.

This intimate knowledge has led some theorists to propose that Shakespeare either spent time in Italy or was Italian himself.

2. John Florio and Michelangelo Florio

One of the most prominent versions of this theory involves John Florio, a well-known Renaissance scholar of Italian descent, or his father, Michelangelo Florio, an Italian Protestant who fled religious persecution and settled in England. According to this theory, John Florio could have been the true author of Shakespeare's plays or at least significantly influenced them.

  • John Florio was an intellectual and linguist who published works on the Italian language and was deeply connected to the Elizabethan literary scene. His fluency in Italian and English and his wide-ranging contacts in the literary world have led some scholars to speculate that he may have contributed to or even authored Shakespeare’s plays, especially those with Italian settings.

  • Michelangelo Florio, John's father, was a Protestant preacher from Tuscany who lived in England and Switzerland. Some theorists argue that he could have influenced Shakespeare’s works or could have even been Shakespeare himself.

3. Italian Language and Influence

Shakespeare's use of certain Italian words, phrases, and customs is also cited as evidence for his possible Italian origins or connection. Italian was the lingua franca of the Renaissance, and Shakespeare's works show evidence of Italian influences in terms of plot devices, poetic forms, and Renaissance humanist themes.

For example:

  • Shakespeare frequently employed Italianate forms of poetry and drama, such as the sonnet, which originated in Italy.
  • He was familiar with Italian novellas, many of which were used as the basis for his plays (Romeo and Juliet was based on an Italian story).

4. Shakespeare’s Mysterious Biography

The gaps in Shakespeare’s biography fuel this theory. There are relatively few records of Shakespeare’s life, especially between the late 1580s and early 1590s, the so-called "lost years." Some proponents suggest that Shakespeare could have traveled to Italy during this period and gained the intimate knowledge that appears in his works.

5. Skeptical Reception and the Shakespeare Authorship Debate

The Italian origins theory is closely related to broader debates about the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. Skeptics of Shakespeare's authorship, known as "anti-Stratfordians," have proposed various alternative candidates, including Edward de Vere, Francis Bacon, and Christopher Marlowe. The Italian origins theory is another variant of this broader skepticism, which questions how a man from a small town in England with a modest education could have produced such a vast and sophisticated body of work.

However, mainstream scholars overwhelmingly reject this theory, pointing out that there is no definitive evidence to support it. They argue that Shakespeare’s knowledge of Italy could have come from books, conversations, or travelogues, which were widely available in England during his time. Additionally, the historical records concerning Shakespeare’s life—though not comprehensive—generally support his English origins.

6. The Conspiracy Theories

Some theorists take the idea further, suggesting that Shakespeare's English identity may have been an intentional cover for an Italian author, possibly due to political or religious reasons. This theory typically draws on the secrecy surrounding certain aspects of Renaissance society, especially for figures who might have been Protestant refugees like the Florio family.


While the theory of Shakespeare's Italian origins is an intriguing proposition that attempts to explain some of the mysteries surrounding his life and works, it remains highly speculative and lacks strong documentary evidence. The vast majority of scholars continue to accept the traditional narrative that William Shakespeare, born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, is the true author of the plays attributed to him. Nevertheless, this theory adds an interesting layer to the ongoing fascination with Shakespeare's life and the origins of his extraordinary literary legacy.



Romanticism, an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that flourished in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, emphasized emotion, individualism, and the sublime beauty of nature. It emerged as a reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the industrialization of the time. The following are the key themes of Romanticism:

1. The Sublime Power of Nature

  • Nature as a Source of Inspiration: Romantic writers and artists celebrated nature as a source of beauty, power, and spiritual renewal. Nature was seen not just as a backdrop but as a living, dynamic force that could evoke deep emotions, awe, and transcendence. The sublime refers to nature’s ability to overwhelm human senses, inspiring both awe and terror.
  • Contrasts with Industrialization: Romanticism often depicted nature as pure and untainted in contrast to the corrupting influence of industrial society. Industrialization and urbanization were seen as forces that alienated humans from the natural world.

2. Emphasis on Emotion and Imagination

  • Feelings Over Reason: In contrast to the Enlightenment’s focus on reason and logic, Romanticism emphasized the importance of emotion, passion, and intuition. Feelings like awe, fear, love, and melancholy were central to human experience and artistic expression.
  • Imagination as a Creative Force: The Romantics viewed the imagination as a powerful tool that transcended the physical world. They believed that imagination allowed individuals to access deeper truths and escape the confines of ordinary experience.

3. Individualism and Personal Freedom

  • The Heroic Individual: Romantics celebrated the individual, particularly those who resisted societal norms or pursued personal truth. The "Romantic hero" often stood in opposition to the constraints of society, embodying ideals of independence, rebellion, and nonconformity.
  • Focus on Subjectivity: The individual’s subjective experience became central in Romantic literature. Personal feelings, thoughts, and emotions were considered authentic and valuable, often explored through first-person narratives or introspective poetry.

4. The Supernatural and the Gothic

  • Interest in the Uncanny: Romanticism often explored themes of the supernatural, the mysterious, and the uncanny. Ghosts, demons, and unexplained phenomena were frequent motifs, representing the unknown and the power of the imagination.
  • Gothic Elements: A subgenre of Romanticism, Gothic literature focused on dark, eerie settings, like decaying castles and gloomy landscapes, and explored themes of fear, madness, and the grotesque. Works like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the novels of Edgar Allan Poe are prime examples of this Gothic sensibility.

5. The Romanticization of the Past

  • Medievalism: Romantics often idealized the Middle Ages, viewing it as a time of chivalry, mystery, and spiritual depth in contrast to the perceived soullessness of modern industrial society. This fascination with the medieval period was reflected in architecture, art, and literature.
  • Nationalism and Folklore: The past, particularly the ancient or medieval history of a nation, was often glorified. Romantics turned to folk traditions, myths, and legends to define cultural identity and reconnect with a perceived lost authenticity.

6. Melancholy and the Beauty of Suffering

  • Exploration of Melancholy: Romantic writers often explored feelings of sadness, longing, and existential despair. This focus on melancholy reflected a fascination with the fleeting nature of life and beauty, as well as a deeper contemplation of human suffering and mortality.
  • Tragic Love and Isolation: Romanticism frequently depicted love as a profound, yet often tragic, force. Characters might experience unrequited love, loneliness, or personal torment. Themes of loss, isolation, and alienation were common, as exemplified by works like Wuthering Heights.

7. The Quest for Transcendence and the Infinite

  • Longing for the Infinite: Romantics often expressed a deep yearning for something beyond the material world, a desire for spiritual transcendence or union with the divine. This quest for the infinite manifested in themes of longing, reaching for the unattainable, and exploring the vast unknown.
  • Mysticism and Spirituality: Romanticism embraced a mystical, spiritual view of the world, where nature and human experience were connected to something greater. Writers like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge often expressed a sense of divine presence within nature.

8. Rebellion Against Authority and Tradition

  • Anti-Conformity and Revolution: Romanticism emerged during a time of political upheaval (e.g., the French and American Revolutions), and many Romantic artists and writers championed the causes of personal freedom, revolution, and resistance to political and social authority.
  • Critique of Rationalism: Romantics rejected the Enlightenment’s emphasis on reason, logic, and order, instead favoring emotion, creativity, and spontaneity. They believed that logic alone could not capture the fullness of human experience.

9. The Power of Art and the Artist

  • The Artist as a Genius: Romanticism celebrated the artist as a creative genius, someone who could see deeper truths and express profound emotions through their work. The Romantic artist was often seen as a solitary figure, misunderstood by society but connected to higher, more universal truths.
  • Art as a Reflection of the Inner Self: In Romantic thought, art was a direct reflection of the artist’s soul and personal emotions. The creation of art was an act of personal expression, giving voice to one’s innermost feelings.

10. Exoticism and Escapism

  • Fascination with the Exotic: Romantics were often drawn to the exotic and the unfamiliar, seeking inspiration in distant lands, cultures, and times. Eastern, African, and South American settings and cultures were romanticized, viewed as freer or more mysterious than the West.
  • Escapism: Romanticism often provided a way to escape the harsh realities of industrialized, modern life. Through literature and art, Romantics sought to escape into imaginative worlds, whether through idealized past eras, distant lands, or fantasies of the supernatural.

These themes reflect the Romantic movement’s focus on the emotional, the imaginative, and the individual, as well as its deep engagement with the mysteries of nature, spirituality, and human experience. Romanticism continues to influence literature, art, and culture, with its ideals of beauty, freedom, and emotional depth remaining relevant.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Frankenstein themes-let's recap


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley explores several deep and enduring themes. These themes touch upon human nature, science, and societal constructs. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

1. The Dangers of Unchecked Ambition and Knowledge

  • Victor Frankenstein's Obsession: The novel highlights the consequences of an insatiable desire for knowledge and power. Victor Frankenstein's pursuit of creating life leads to catastrophic results, reflecting the dangers of overreaching human ambition without considering the consequences.
  • Scientific Responsibility: Shelley's novel can be interpreted as a critique of the unchecked advancement of science and the failure of scientists to take responsibility for their creations. Victor's refusal to nurture or control his creation leads to chaos, showing that progress must be tempered by ethical considerations.

2. Isolation and Alienation

  • Victor's Isolation: Victor isolates himself from his family, friends, and society in his quest to create life. His alienation from human relationships intensifies his suffering and makes him more vulnerable to his tragic downfall.
  • The Creature’s Alienation: The monster experiences severe social rejection due to his grotesque appearance, despite his inner desire for companionship and acceptance. His alienation leads to bitterness and violence, illustrating the destructive power of social rejection.

3. Nature vs. Nurture

  • The Creature's Development: The novel raises questions about whether people are born evil or whether they become evil due to their environment and treatment. The creature starts as a sensitive and benevolent being, but after repeated rejection and cruelty, he becomes vengeful and violent.
  • Victor’s Neglect: Victor’s failure to nurture or care for his creation implies that even something unnatural could have been good, had it been properly cared for. This suggests the importance of environment and nurturing in shaping identity.

4. Creation and Responsibility

  • Playing God: Frankenstein's act of creating life invokes the theme of humans trying to play God. By giving life to his creation, Frankenstein oversteps human boundaries, which results in chaos and suffering.
  • Consequences of Irresponsibility: The novel explores the consequences of creators abandoning their creations. Victor’s refusal to take responsibility for the creature leads to the monster’s suffering, destruction, and the deaths of several characters.

5. Appearance vs. Reality

  • Prejudices Based on Appearance: Throughout the novel, characters judge the creature based on his outward appearance rather than his internal qualities. The creature is kind-hearted and intelligent, but his terrifying appearance leads people to treat him as a monster.
  • Victor’s Inner Darkness: Similarly, Victor appears to be a well-meaning scientist but harbors a dangerous obsession and disregard for the well-being of others, revealing that appearances can be deceiving.

6. The Pursuit of Revenge

  • The Creature’s Revenge: The novel explores the destructive nature of revenge through the monster’s growing hatred toward his creator. Feeling betrayed by the world and rejected by his creator, the creature embarks on a quest to make Victor suffer, illustrating the corrosive effects of vengeance.
  • Victor’s Revenge: By the end of the novel, Victor also becomes consumed by a desire for revenge against the creature, which ultimately leads to his own destruction. Shelley suggests that revenge only begets more suffering.

7. The Sublime Power of Nature

  • Romanticism and Nature: Shelley’s novel, written during the Romantic era, places significant emphasis on the power and beauty of nature. Nature serves as a source of comfort and solace for characters like Victor. It also contrasts with the unnaturalness of Victor’s creation.
  • Nature as a Force of Retribution: Nature is portrayed as a force that reasserts itself against Victor’s unnatural creation, symbolizing the boundary between the natural world and human interference.

8. Monstrosity and Humanity

  • Who is the Monster?: The novel frequently asks the question of who the real monster is: the creature or Victor. While the creature commits terrible acts, Victor’s abandonment and neglect are arguably more monstrous. This ambiguity challenges the traditional notion of what it means to be a monster.
  • Society’s Role in Creating Monsters: The creature’s monstrosity is largely a product of societal rejection, suggesting that monsters are made, not born. This theme criticizes society’s quickness to ostracize and judge those who are different.

9. Loneliness and the Desire for Companionship

  • The Creature’s Loneliness: The creature’s suffering is driven by his intense loneliness and desire for companionship. He longs for a mate, a request that Victor initially considers but later rejects, deepening the creature's isolation and rage.
  • Victor’s Relationships: Victor’s self-imposed isolation from his loved ones parallels the creature’s loneliness, showing that both creator and creation suffer from a lack of meaningful connections with others.

10. The Role of Women

  • Passive Female Characters: Female characters in Frankenstein (Elizabeth, Justine, Caroline) are often portrayed as passive, victimized, or powerless. This reflects the limited roles available to women in the early 19th century, when Shelley was writing.
  • The Absence of Female Creation: The novel also critiques the exclusion of women from the process of creation. Victor’s creation of life is a usurpation of the natural role of women, which leads to disaster, suggesting that the exclusion of women from creative power is unnatural and dangerous.

Each of these themes contributes to Frankenstein's exploration of human nature, morality, and the limits of scientific exploration. They also reflect broader concerns of the Romantic era, such as the relationship between humans and nature, and the dangers of industrial and scientific progress.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Answer the questions to compare the Italian form of government to the British one


  • Which year did he Italians vote for democracy?
  • The UK is a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY, but it’s also a parliamentary democracy (like Italy). What does it mean?
  • Is there a single document that may be considered as the British constitution?
  • When did the Italian Constitution come into force?
  • Who elects the President of the Republic in Italy? How long does his charge last? How old should he be to be elected as President?
  • Who’s the commander-in chief of the armed forces in Italy and in the UK?
  • How many members does the House of Commons have?
  • How many members does the Chamber of Deputies have?
  • How many members does the House of Lords have?
  • Are the members of the House of Lords elected by people?
  • How many elected members does the Senate have?
  • What are the functions of a Parliament?
  • Who is the head of state in Italy? What about in England?
  • Who holds the position of head of government in both countries?
  • Who’s the current Prime Minister in the UK? What’s his political party?
  • Who finally signs the bills both in Italy and in the UK?
  • How old are people who vote for both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate in Italy?
  • How old should you be to be elected as a member of the Chamber of deputies or a member of the Senate in Italy
  • When did the UK leave the European Union?


Sunday, June 2, 2024

A summary of themes in Frankenstein


Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley explores several profound themes. Here are some of the main themes:

The Dangers of Unchecked Ambition and the Pursuit of Knowledge:

Victor Frankenstein's obsessive quest to conquer nature and create life demonstrates the potential dangers of unchecked ambition. His desire to push the limits of scientific discovery leads to catastrophic consequences, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in scientific experiments.

Isolation and Loneliness:

Both Victor Frankenstein and the Creature experience profound isolation and loneliness. Victor's isolation is due to his obsessive work and the guilt that follows, while the Creature's isolation is a result of his ugly appearance and subsequent rejection by society. This theme highlights the importance of companionship and the destructive effects of isolation.

The Nature of Humanity:

The novel questions what it means to be human. The Creature, despite being created by man, displays human emotions and desires, suggesting that humanity is defined by more than just physical appearance. This theme explores the idea of empathy, morality, and the intrinsic value of all beings.

Creation and Responsibility:

Victor's failure to take responsibility for his creation results in tragedy. The novel is about the moral responsibilities of creators towards their creations, whether in the context of a family, scientific innovation, or artistic creation.

Revenge and Retribution:

The cycle of revenge between Victor and the Creature characterizes much of the story. The Creature's desire for vengeance against Victor for his misery and Victor's pursuit of the Creature for the deaths of his loved ones highlight the destructive nature of revenge and the futility of such a pursuit.

Nature vs. Nurture:

The novel deals with the debate of inherent nature versus the influence of environment and upbringing. The Creature begins as a benevolent being but becomes monstrous due to the constant rejection and mistreatment he faces, suggesting that behavior and morality are heavily influenced by societal treatment.

Gothic Elements and the Sublime:

"Frankenstein" is rich with Gothic elements, including dark, foreboding settings, and the supernatural. The novel also employs the concept of the sublime, showcasing the power and beauty of nature as both majestic and terrifying, reflecting the internal states of the characters.

The Double or Doppelgänger:

Victor and the Creature can be seen as doubles of each other. Their relationship reflects the theme of the doppelgänger, where the Creature represents Victor’s darker side and the consequences of his unbridled ambitions. This mirroring explores the duality of human nature.

Women’s Victimization and Sacrifice:

Women in the novel often become victims of the actions and decisions of men. Justine Moritz is wrongfully executed for a crime she did not commit, becoming a scapegoat for Victor’s creation. Elizabeth is murdered by the Creature on her wedding night. These sacrifices highlight the vulnerability and suffering of women within the patriarchal society depicted in the novel.



Thursday, May 16, 2024

INSTITUTIONS- The British political system vs The Italian political system


INSTITUTIONS- The British political system vs The Italian political system

INSTITUTIONS- The British political system vs The Italian political system


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

Up until the Second World War, Italy was ruled by kings. But in June 1946, Italians voted to abolish the monarchy in a referendum, and the country became a democratic republic.

Thus, Italy is today a parliamentary, democratic Republic.


The UK has no written constitution: the Constitution is made up of common law (laws established through court judgments) and legislation (laws passed by the legislature, parliamentary conventions); there is no single document that can be classed as the British Constitution.

The Italian Republic, on the contrary, has a written Constitution which is composed of 139 articles and came into force on 1 January 1948. 




In the UK the King is the head of the state: he is a hereditary member of the Royal family but he has very few formal powers.

The President of the Italian Republic represents the unity of the nation and has ceremonial duties. He is elected by the two chambers of Parliament in joint session for a period of seven years at the end of which he can be re-elected. He appoints the Prime Minister. He must be a native-born Italian citizen at least 50 years old.




Both, the King and our President, are the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.


Both English and Italian Parliaments have a Bicameral system.

The English Parliament is divided into the House of Commons with 650 members and the House of Lords with about 800 members.

The Italian Parliament is divided into the Chamber of Deputies with 400 members and the Senate of the Republic with 200 elected members.

Modifiche agli articoli 56, 57 e 59 della Costituzione in materia di riduzione del numero dei parlamentari” è stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 261 del 21 ottobre 2020. La legge costituzionale prevede la riduzione del numero dei parlamentari, da 630 a 400 deputati e da 315 a 200 senatori elettivi.



The main functions of English Parliament are: to pass law, to vote taxation, to discuss important political issues, to control the government.

The House of Lords has a limited power, because its members are not elected by people but they are either hereditary or appointed for life by the sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister (Life Peers). The members are divided into Lords Temporal (Hereditary Peers and Life Peers) and Lords Spiritual (Archbishops and Senior Bishops). They examine and revise bills from the House of Commons. The majority are life peers. Members of the House of Lords bring experience and knowledge from a wide range of occupations. Many members continue to be active in their fields and have successful careers in business, culture, science, sports, academia, law, education, health and public service. They bring this knowledge to their role of examining matters of public interest that affect all UK citizens.

The number of members in the House of Lords is not fixed. As of 13 May 2024, it has 785 sitting members.

Any British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen who is a UK resident and taxpayer over 21 is eligible to be nominated or can apply to become a member.


The members of the House of Commons are elected by universal adult suffrage. General elections are held every five years. The UK is divided into 650 areas called constituencies. The candidate who gets the most votes in each constituency becomes the MP for that area until the next election.The leader of the party that wins most seats at a general election is invited by the King to form the Government.

Most MPs are members of one of the three main political parties in the UK - Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats. Other MPs represent smaller parties or are independent of a political party.



The Government is the center of the executive. The head of the Government is the Prime Minister who is appointed by the King in England.

The current Prime Minister in the UK is Rishi Sunak (leader of the Conservative Party)

As the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons, Sunak was appointed as prime minister by Charles III on 25 October 2022, becoming both the first British Asian and the first Hindu to take the office, and began to select his cabinet ministers.

The Cabinet is a coalition government  and they meet at 10 Downing Street. Government departments are the main instruments for giving effect to government policy. The principal departments are the Treasury, the Foreign Office and the Home Office.

The Judicial power is exercised by the Law Courts, which are divided into Criminal Courts and Civil Courts.


In Italy, there are three branches of power in Italy: executive, legislative, and juridical.

The legislative is vested in the two houses- the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, which can introduce bills and holds the majority in the Parliament.

The executive power is in the hands of the Council of the Ministers, presided over by the President of the Council - more commonly known as the Prime Minister (officially referred to as President of the Council).The ministers are responsible for executing laws and other political decisions. This is usually done by presenting bills to parliament, but can also be done by passing decrees - this happens in cases of urgency, or if parliament gives the council the authority to do so.

The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislative branches.It is headed by the High Council of Judiciary.



The Chamber of Deputies is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters who are 18. All voters who are 25 are eligible to be deputies.

The Senate is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters who are 18.

La legge costituzionale 18 ottobre 2021, n. 1 “Modifica all'articolo 58 della Costituzione, in materia di elettorato per l'elezione del Senato della Repubblica” è stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 251 del 20/10/2021.

Finalmente i giovani tra i 18 e i 25 anni potranno votare per l’elezione del Senato.Viene così abrogata la previsione che limitava l’elettorato attivo per il Senato a coloro che avevano compiuto il venticinquesimo anno di età.


All voters who are 40 on the election day are eligible to be senators.

There is a small number of senators for life, appointed  "for outstanding merits in the social, scientific, artistic or literary field" - and there are also the  former Presidents of the Republic, who are ex officio life senators.



1.     Basic Understanding:

1)What are the names of the political systems in Italy and England respectively?

2)Can you briefly describe the structure of each system?

2.     Head of State and Government:

1)Who is the head of state in Italy? What about in England?

2)Who holds the position of head of government in both countries?

3.     Executive Branch:

1)How is the executive branch structured in Italy?

2)How does the executive branch in Italy differ from that of England?

4.     Legislative Branch:

1)What is the name of the legislative body in Italy? How is it structured?

2)What is the equivalent legislative body in England, and how does it differ in structure?

5.     Constitutional Basis:

1)What is the constitutional basis of the Italian system?

2)How does this differ from the constitutional basis of the English system?

6.     Public Participation and Representation:

1)How are citizens represented in the political processes in Italy?

2)Compare this to the representation of citizens in the political processes in England.

7.     Personal Reflection:

1)Based on your understanding of the Italian and English systems of government, which aspects do you find most interesting or significant? Why?