Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Has lockdown taken women back to the 1950's( Watch the video and answer the questions)


While watching the video answer the questions

1.      How many hours do women work more than men these days?

2.      Who finds it more difficult to stay positive?

3.      How many women fully-worked before the pandemic?

4.      What’s a survey? Translate into Italian

5.      What does the word earnings mean? Give a synonym in English

6.      What improves productivity, according to Jayne-Anne Gadhya?

7.      What does flourish mean? Give a synonym in English

8.      According to what the journalist says who is more susceptible to Covid 19-men or women?

9.      According to the kind of research reported by Julia Gillard do men and women share the same amount of household chores these days?

10.   What do job losses mean? Give an explanation in English

11.   What’s the percentage of women working in health and caring professions?

12.   What does flexible working mean? Translate into Italian

13.   What does employment mean? Give a synonym in English

14.   Women are conditioned to stepping in doing more home taking the burden on because it’s just a kind of legacy. Explain this long sentence in another way in English.

15.   Give a synonym of the word burden

16.   What does Julia Gillard finally advocate for men and women. What’s the best thing for companies and their progress?


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