Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Friday, April 8, 2016

Some essays students in the third class wrote about immigration

These are some essays students in the third class wrote about Immigration

Immigration has always been popular, in fact even the first human beings used to move from their country to another hoping for better conditions (in terms of job, peace, safeness, etc...). But is it always considered as a positive phenomenon?
It is absolutely right and acceptable to leave a dangerous place or a poor place and settle in a better one: firstly, besides saving the immigrants' lives or giving them better life conditions, immigration can be a really positive phenomenon for the country where the immigrant decides to settle in, because it enriches the culture of that country and because a lot of different traditions meet to create a multicultural society. Another advantage is that people from different places learn to live together peacefully and to accept each other.
On the other hand, there are lots of different negative aspects of this phenomenon: for example, immigrants, most of the times are forced to leave their countries so they’re not very happy about that so it leads them to have regrets and to miss too much their countries, relatives and even their children. Another disadvantage is that immigrants often commit serious crimes such as robberies, murders,
rapes, etc... That’s why a lot of people are against welcoming these people in their countries and giving them hospitality, a job and places to stay in. So, it also leads to prejudice.
To sum up, I think that we should consider both the positive and negative ways; however, in my opinion, these immigrants shouldn’t always be welcomed as we do and we also should be really careful and not trust them all the time.
Immigration is a widespread current phenomenon.Lots of people leave their countries because of persecution, war or to find better economical and social conditions.           
I agree with immigration because I think that all people have to live in a place where they feel safe, where they don’t have to be afraid, to be killed and where they can get a job to maintain their family.        
Immigration is also a possibility for us to know other cultures, traditions and to try to understand how a person can feel when he is forced to leave his country, his family and his life.Immigrants risk their lives everyday crossing the sea in dangerous conditions and we have to show them a little bit of humanity. We have to remember that not all the immigrants are terrorists. 
Lots of people hate this phenomenon because they think that those people come to our country to destroy it, to traffik drugs, to make violence or to impose us their religions or their traditions. Some people say that they want to "steal"us job, tmoney and land. 
Bad people are everywhere, not all the immigrants are bad aswellas not all the Italians people are good. We should think for a moment ‘’what would we do if we were in their shoes?’’. Every person needs to live a decent life, every person needs to feel accepted and be safe.

Essay about immigration

Nowadays, immigration has become a common phenomenon, 
especially due to globalization. More and more people are forced to leave their native country because of poverty, war and persecution, hoping for a better life.
Italy is particularly involved in this topic because it is a very important host country, but it was also a source in the 1900s.
It has both benefits and drawbacks for immigrants and citizens.
On the one hand, it permits immigrants to improve their living conditions and introduces multiculturalism into our society.
First of all, most immigrants come from third-world countries, or poor countries in general, and have right to ask for help in the richer ones. Migrants move to a place where they can find a stable job which allows them to improve their lifestyle and to raise their role within the society and where they don’t have to be afraid to be persecuted.
In addition, it’s a benefit for the host country too because more labour force increases local economy.
Lastly, the presence of people who come from different countries introduces new cultures and traditions into our society, promoting the creation of ethnic groups and making us more open-minded.
It makes integration easier because we see immigrants as sources of cultures that we don’t know, learning more about their way of thinking.
On the other hand, for many immigrants moving is really hard; and some people are afraid of them.
In the first place, moving means leaving the relatives, all the people they love most, sometimes even their children.
It makes it hard to live in a foreign country, far from family.
Many street pedlars live in Italy alone and send money to their family in Africa: They do that to guarantee their children a better life.
In the second place, according to some people, being different is strange, and the fear of something strange makes prejudices.
The first challenge is language barrier and religious differences.

People are afraid to lose their religious identity because more and more mosques are built and Muslims demand to impose their ideals on Christianity; in recent years, people have become afraid of terrorism.
In addition, immigrants are accused of bringing violence and crime into society, but people forget that “ You cannot put everyone into the same basket’’.
In the last place, immigrants represent a great expense for countries that cannot guarantee its citizens economic security.
To sum up, there are different opinions about this topic, but generally migrating to other countries will bring benefits, most of the time, but there are still problems to face.
In my opinion, immigrants have right to be hosted and improve their living conditions, but the host country must guarantee the same treatment to its citizens who suffer from the economy crisis.

What is « Immigration »

Immigration starts when people move from a very poor country  because of war or poverty and so they leave their family and children to find a job and hoping for a better life.

Firstly ,immigration is not a bad thing, it’s a good opportunity to enrich the culture of the society and moreover immigrants give us a big opportunity to live in a modern multicultural society without any prejudice and live all together.
Secondly, people must understand that when immigrants work for us they don’t steal the job to the people who live in our country but they may help us, in a sense they may help our economy.
On the other hand, in the mind of people there are lots of prejudices, for examples the color of the skin, the different religion, because we know a lot of people who don’t accept the traditions of the immigrants.
People often have good reasons to keep attention on the immigrants, because a lot of them bring crime into society.

Immigrants or Slaves?

They come here to find a new life and a better life but most of the time they are exploited and treated like slaves by a lot of people.

To sum up, in my opinion “IMMIGRATION”  may be a good thing as well as a bad one but we have to help the immigrants to integrate in our society, they are not all bad people, there are a lot of good people who just want a better life for them and their family.

I live in a small town in Italy and in 2015 and now in 2016 my town has helped a lot of immigrants find a place to live and a job and now we shouldn't talk about “immigration” -we’re just all citizens without any difference of the color of the skin.

Immigration is when people leave their country and go to another one. They usually do it because in their country there is war, hunger, bad economic conditions ecc…

I think that you can find some positives and some downsides about this phenomenon.
First of all, I think that immigration could be an interesting way to mix different cultures. We could discover new mentalities, new religions, in order to enrich our culture. In my opinion, helping these people to find a job, to have a better life, is something beautiful.
On the other hand, mixing different traditions could be as wonderful as dangerous. Their traditions, sometimes, are reasons of prejudices. People start to avoid them, to look them as though they were aliens, just because they have a different skin colour or just because they come from another country.
Anyway, somebody is afraid because of the violence and the crime that arrives with foreigners and because of terrorism. I think that crime is everywhere, regardless of the country. Therefore you can’t consider a person a criminal just because he isn’t Italian. Someone thinks that immigrants steal the job to the Italian people, because of their exploitation.
Well, I don’t really know what the solutions could be about this problem, but I don’t want to accuse innocent people that just want to live a happy life.
In conclusion, I would like to remind to people who don’t accept immigrants that one day Italy was in a similar situationso, we can understand how these people feel.

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