Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Nineteen Eighty-Four - Official Trailer [HD]

Watch the trailer of the film 1984 and pay close attention to the images of the trailer.
Get into pairs and
1) Write down as many visual details (objects, people, actions, emotions) as you can remember
2) Discuss your personal reactions to the trailer. What surprised/pleased/upset/frightened.....you?
3) Complete with the missing words:
In 1984 George Orwell had a vision of _____________________________.
Today that vision is still_____________________________amd its prophecy remains as _____________________________ as ever.
If you want_____________________________of the future_____________________________, Winston, imagine a boot stamping on a _____________________________  forever.
A future when _____________________________ becomes slavery, where  _____________________________ is forbidden, the past _____________________________ and where living people simply _____________________________ .
Yet one man and one woman _____________________________ to love.
What are your _____________________________ towards Big Brother?
I _____________________________ him
You must _____________________________ him. It is not enough to _____________________________ him. You must love him.
4) What kind of atmosphere does the trailer convey? Sinister, romantic, scary, fearful,horrifying....?

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