Hello! My name's Liliana. I'm a teacher of English (Language and Literature) to Italian teenage stu

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Weird stories
These are the stories created by students (level A 1/2) in a group activity. After each group, made of four students, was given two flashcards representing objects or people  having no clear, logical connection, it was asked to make a very short, funny story.
These are the weird, unreal, fantastic, dreamlike stories created by them!
Of course,while reading them, they couldn't stop laughing!

One day a beautiful princess Julia     was walking along a river. Her dream was falling in love with a handsome, fantastic, good boy. That day the princess wanted to get her feet wet into the river. Suddenly, a witch took a frog to make an experiment, but the witch’s son killed the frog and for revenge the witch transformed her son into a frog.The only way to be human again was to get a magical kiss.
The princess was so depressed that she kissed the frog, which changed into a prince, and they lived happily ever after……

In the afternoon, Federica comes back home, she goes in her bedroom, switches on her lamp, opens her bedside table and finds a pair of socks, which were a present from her grandmother for her birthday and starts to remember all the best moments with her!!!

The mouse birthday
Once upon a time there was a family who had a mouse as a pet. Today it’s his birthday and  his family is making a cake for him, actually a cheese cake. After the celebrations, the mouse, called Tommy, tries to drink some tea but the tea is  too hot       
and he falls off inside. After that, the family realizes he is dead!!!

One morning in spring, Tom wakes up and gets up. His mum calls him for breakfast. Tom enters the kitchen and sits at the table. Tom takes a  cup of tea and under it he finds a mouse and he starts screaming…he’s really scared.

One day  I bought a  bus ticket, but after that  I realized  I had run out of money, so I decided to get some money from the bank. While  I was coming back to the bus station a stranger in a black coat hit me and our bags fell off the ground, then we picked them up.
Only ten minutes later,  I realized that we had exchanged our bags and mine was full of money!

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